Last Wednesday 1st March, an event completely dedicated to Gavi DOCG was held at Odd Fellow Palace in the heart of Copenhagen and it was a great success.
For the very first time in Denmark, Gavi DOCG has been the protagonist of the thematic masterclass entitled “Gavi DOCG: Exploring the Latest Vintages and the Ageing Potential of Piedmont’s Great White” dedicated to Cortese unique characteristics and Gavi potential for aging.
It was held by sommelier Sandro Minella, and the Danish wine journalist Morten Brink Iwersen. All the participants showed a great interest for the masterclass. Among them there were not only opinion leader and journalists, but also industry professionals.
Following the masterclass there has been a professional tasting experience featuring more than 80 labels which gave participants the chance to taste all the nuances of Gavi DOCG.
As President Maurizio Montobbio says: «The Danish market is very interesting for us and for our customer differentiation and brand positioning strategy. The event confirmed the interest in our appellation, it met our expectations, and we have high hopes for the future».